Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your Questions About First Video Game

Sharon asks…

What video game company will be the first to announce their 8th gen console?

Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, three gaming giants who will take us into the 8th generation of gaming consoles?

DidikTimer answers:

The WiiU, Nintendo 3DS, and PS Vita have all been announced/released, and they are all 8th generation. So Nintendo.
If you're not counting handheld or already released consoles then it's still Nintendo with the WiiU
Jenny asks…

how much will it cost to start a video game company?

I want to start out small by making a game on the ios aka IPhone/IPod touch/Ipad and I ant to know how much it will cost me to make a video game company mty first game will be a very simple game it wont be to complicated just a simple game with simple graphics how much will it cost me

DidikTimer answers:

If it's just a simple game with simple graphics, u can do it at home... :)
James asks…

what company created the first home video game and what was it?

my dad used to play it but he doesn't remember , was it kaboom? (my dad is old)

DidikTimer answers:

"Pong" was also very early/ was made by Atari first as an arcade game, but licensed a home version sold by Sears in 1975 (magnavox one was in 1972) (see wikipedia)... It was a super super simple graphics tennis/ ping pong like game, I don't even remember it being in color/ or perhaps was a green screen (each side of the screen had a little "box" looking thing that was a "paddle" or raquet, and a little ball bounced between them/ with a line (as the "net") in the middle... Came after Magnavox, but by my memory, was more popular/ widespread... (I remember lots of people having pong, but nobody I knew had the Magnavox Odyessy...if you ask most folks over 40, they's say "pong" as that was the one they actually remember if not technically the first.. ) Kaboom was later...
Joseph asks…

I want to make my own video game company when i grow up and need to know some stuff?

Ok so I eventually want to make my own video game company when i grow up and need to know alot of stuff and please only answer if you know what you are talking about.
1) Since it would really be stupid to start a company right out of college i am going to join a company and get some experience first. So if i wanted to get the best experience and eventually start my own company what should i take in college?
2) When i join a video game company what job should i take since i eventually want to make my own company like should i be a design director or what?
3) As the head person of a video game company what exactly do i do?
4) Whats the best way to go looking for people for my video game company?
5) How much money does it take to get a video game company started and to make your first video game?
6) And last if i really got my company going and we were doing pretty good about how much would i make?

DidikTimer answers:

Your goals seem a bit conflicted. If you're running a company, it's better to stick with business-related courses instead of anything related to game design. Your job will be about managing the company, not working on actual games.
If you want to work on actual games, however, take courses on game design and programming. Also, try getting involved with amateur game "homebrew" groups for the sake of practice. You can make a game for free (other than time), unprofessionally.
Any other costs have too many factors to consider (production budget, distribution, packaging if sold in physical copies, sales volume, etc) and are not calculable as-is.
Edit because someone else suggested it, DO NOT move to Japan. The Japanese job market is already flooded with locals, not to mention there is a lot of discrimination against foreigners as well as fewer/limited job opportunities for women if you are one. Instead, apply to local companies - some of the biggest include Lucasarts, Telltale, EA Games, Nintendo of America (not much development goes on here, it's more focused on localization and redistribution management) and THQ, but there are plenty of much smaller ones around. Also, a lot of websites hire game developers - places such as Gaia and Neopets, among others.
Mary asks…

How does one make a pitch to a major video game company?

I've spent the last year or so designing the story, characterization, basic art design and more to a video game. I feel i have enough material to pitch the idea to a Game Design firm's creative department...but I have no idea how to do so.
What is the proper way to contact these companies?
Do I need to protect my ideas? by copyright?
What aspects of the idea should i focus on the most when pitching the idea, and which should I mention but pass quickly?
My first choice of companies is EA's Blackbox subsidiary, if it matters.

DidikTimer answers:

Hi stuff_drummer,
If you would like to submit an idea for a game, please check out the FAQ linked under 'Sources'. It will provide the information on what we need from you and where to contact us for these types of requests.
Powered by Yahoo! Answers
This information is only part of a collection of articles DidikTimer, hope is something that is beneficial to readers  Your Questions About First Video Game.
Please also check out my other guide on Video Game.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Video Game

Video Game - Tips For Video Game. Information About Video Games.

Video Game

Video Game. Many people who seek careers video game and animation done on the grounds that they may be enthusiastic video player and want to have a career that interests them.

They are well-informed about video games and extras they know exactly what a good game looks and feels like as well as understanding what makes the game fun to play and popular. A job as a video game tester can be an entry level position that will let people get into the video game industry. This could be interesting careers that pay people to experiment with all the latest games so as to test their abilities.

Video game tester task is to ensure that every new game functions properly and that it makes sense. This game should run smoothly and everything should be in context and work together. In doing this, you will also check all the technical components to ensure that they work the way it should. You will need a passion for the game to follow this work but because of video game testing is a popular career, you also need to have something educational qualifications such as degree turn off videos or something similar.

This is a question that is posed, and many fans of the game. A bad criminals can really bring any games, or even books, movies, or TV show down. If the player does not care about the criminals, if they find them funny rather than threatening, it can be a big blow. So, I want to talk about what makes a good villain tick. I could talk all day about this subject, but for the sake of sanity, I've boiled it into four key factors.

Video Game. The motivation is understandable - Are they realistic? Do they make sense in the context of the game world? Can a player associated with, or at least understand them? Overall it can only be answered with a remarkable game and with it the gamer feel challenged.

Welcoming the innovator Sonny, which need not doubt his ability to indulge his fans. Present day Sony PlayStation console contains a chip that allows users to play the title of the older PS2 games.

Unfortunately, backward compatibility features of the PlayStation 4 has been completely ignored (so it seems at the moment) and focus purely on the future generation of titles. For those who like to play their PS3 games, you might want to just sit quietly until the problem is described in more detail, as Orbis PS will not allow you to play them. This is Sony and Microsoft's efforts to kill the second hand video game market. Please also note that there will be no resale value for each PS4 game, as it is said that it would not be associated with Sony Entertainment Network. PlayStation 4 will have a 32nm Cell processor with about 16 SPE, which is double of what the PlayStation 3 has. There is a possibility of cooperation with Google. Well ... Wait on the game.

This information is only part of a collection of articles DidikTimer, hope is something that is beneficial to readers Video Game.  

Please also check out my other guide on Various Kinds of Video Games.