Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nintendo DS Game System

Nintendo DS Game Systems: 
Handheld Gaming at Its Finest 

By: Didiek Timer

When people hear the word Nintendo, including the Nintendo DS game system, they will usually think of a company that manufactures quality gaming console and they will also think of great games and great entertainment.

For more than two decades now, Nintendo is still manufacturing and developing great gaming systems that everyone enjoys. The people working in Nintendo always works hard everyday to keep their customers interested and entertained and develop new forms of gaming console for people to buy.

If you remembered the NES or Nintendo Entertainment System, you know how Nintendo literally revolutionized the way the world see video game systems and are continuing to do so, including the Nintendo DS game system. You will see that the technology in the gaming world have since vastly improved in terms of graphics and sound technology. The game play has even changed. More realism in games has made it more fun to play for everyone.

Nintendo is also famous for their GameBoy, one of the most famous handheld gaming systems in the world. In the market of handheld gaming systems, Nintendo is still competitive besides the fact that many game system manufacturers are also developing and releasing famous brands of their versions of handheld gaming system. Among them are Nintendo DS game system.

If you are familiar with Nintendo, you will be familiar with their products, such as GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, and their latest, the GameBoy DS, which the company claims will again revolutionize the world see handheld gaming.

Now, with Nintendo DS, a successor to their previous Nintendo GameBoy Advance, many gamers will certainly want to have this new generation of handheld gaming system.
So, you may now ask what is so special about this new handheld game system called the Nintendo DS game system.

First of all, Nintendo DS stands for Dual Screen. Nintendo claims that it will deliver the latest technologies in handheld gaming existing today.
The two bright screens of Nintendo DS can produce 3D views with great quality that can really surpass images displayed in Nintendo 64. Nintendo DS is also integrated with touch screen technology. The lower screen in the Nintendo DS is capable of touch screen technology that is never before seen in any handheld gaming system in the world.

This means that with Nintendo DS, you can tell your games what to do. If you like your old GameBoy Advance games and you still want to play with it withNintendo DS. Nintendo DS game system offers a separate media port for GameBoy Advance cartridges in single player mode.

So, if you need a one of a kind handheld game system that offers great features, then Nintendo DS is just right for you. Just imagine what you can do with Nintendo DS. No longer will you be bound on playing single player or two player modes with your friends, but you can also play with others from all over the world through Nintendo’s latest offer.
Playing with Nintendo DS will definitely change the way you look at handheld game systems.

This information is only part of a collection of articles DidikTimer, hope is something that is beneficial to readers  Nintendo DS Game System.

Please also check out my other guide on Web Based Game System Using Java.

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