Thursday, September 13, 2012

Your Questions About Video Game System Repair

Your Questions About Video Game System Repair

Michael asks…

Does GameStop repair video game systems?

i went to a GameStop today and forgot to ask them if they repair video game systems. i have an old ps2 that i want the whole thing looked at. it is pretty old but i'd like to keep it as long as i can.

DidikTimer answers:

Yes because my Xbox needed to be fixed and they fixed it in 4 days
Laura asks…

are there any video game systems repair shops in the bronx around (10468)?

im having trouble with my playstation protable system, it doesn't wants to play any of the games that i want to put into it, can anyone help me where can i find a repair shop near my house?

DidikTimer answers:

Move out of the Bronx.
I hope that helps.
John asks…

how to repair 8bit video game systems please tell me with pictures?

DidikTimer answers:

Repairing a console that is that old is not worth the price of doing it yourself take it to a local game shop one of the ones that still sell them and offer repairs and they will repair anything for about 20$
Robert asks…

When you buy a used Video Game System is it wise of you to go and get it checked?

okay say that one day your sick of your video game system and want to change brands you know if:
Dumb Example:
if you hate your Ps3 system you trade it for a Xbox360 or something it wise of you to go and get it check? you know get it repaired or something.

DidikTimer answers:

It would be wise. You don't want it to break beyond repair, don't you? Or possibly scratch your games? I had a gaming system and it scratched a lot of my games and now they barely work. Go get it checked.
Chris asks…

Where can I take a game system in St Louis to get repaired?

I am NOT looking for an online repair shop so don't suggest any to me. I want to take my PlayStation 2 to a place where I can get it repaired near where I live. This question is for people who either live in/near St Louis (Missouri), have been to St Louis, or just happen to know of a place in St Louis that repairs video game consoles no longer under warranty. If you are not one of those people, don't answer this!

DidikTimer answers:

Game Stop is a major video game chain worth checking out. Not sure if they do repairs so you may want to call them.
Best Buy might be another option.
Good luck.
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This information is only part of a collection of articles DidikTimer, hope is something that is beneficial to readers  Your Questions About Video Game System Repair.

Please also check out my other guide on Your Questions About New Video Games 2012.

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