Sunday, July 17, 2011


Video Game Systems 2 - New Innovative Video Game Systems 
for the Ultimate Game Play Experience

By: Didiek Timer

The latest technology in video gaming is growing rapidly. Many people, mostly young individuals, are hooked in playing different video games. The existence of popular video game systems 2 as well as computer usage led in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Since carpal tunnel syndrome affecting younger individuals continuously increases in numbers, this leads to the studies of the cause and symptoms to whether the injury is really associated with playing video games.

It has been find out that kids who are playing a lot of video games has increased possibilities of developing carpal tunnel syndrome compared to kids who do not play video games. The federal government even funded recent studies to find out whether playing video games is related to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an affliction usually affecting individuals over thirty years old. Nintendo thumb or Nintendonitis is the name called by most parents to the constant usage of video games causing strain injuries which is repetitively occurring. This also characterizes carpal tunnel syndrome. Video systems 2 used for homes are not the only contributor, but also video systems that are portable which include handheld game systems.

Compared to other activities, exercises are very beneficial, however, using the same muscles or muscle groups in particular without exercising its counterparts so that balance is maintained will definitely cause pain and injury.

Children ages 6 or 7 years old will not developed carpal tunnel syndrome, nevertheless, if they continue to play excessively, they are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. As much as possible, long taking breaks in between excessive game playing sessions should be done to give rest to the affected muscles, avoid positioning of wrists and hands awkwardly, and prevent several hours of continuous playing.

The computer’s rise in using light-touch, flat keyboards which permits high speed typing results in epidemic injuries of the hands, shoulders, and arms. Usage of pointing devices such as trackballs and the mouse triggers the carpal tunnel syndrome development. Regardless of the carpal tunnel syndrome development, lack of adequate breaks and rest can be very troublesome.

There are studies though that suggests that there is no big difference in the number of people who are affected by carpal tunnel syndrome because of playing video games as compared to those people who don’t play video games at all. Increased injuries on the hands have still got to do with prolonged time in playing video games. Video game enthusiasts should be aware of the possible problems they will encounter in the future because of this reason.

The studies conducted to prove whether carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with playing video games might also affect the future of the video game industry. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented as video game industries continue to flourish and new developments and designs are thought of
I suggest you check out my other guide on Video Game Systems 1.

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